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“Multiverso” premiere

23 July, 2021

Yesterday, July 22, 2021, the short film written and directed by my brother Santiago G. Bonacho premiered at the Carabanchel Short Film Festival, in the Sala Tarambana in Madrid.
“Multiverso” is the story of a man who lives trapped in a constant indeterminacy of multiple universes. It is a drama with a touch of science fiction. It is a very personal topic that touches our family very closely since the main character is the alter ego of my father, who suffered a terrible degenerative brain disease that killed him and that my brother has brought to the screen from a scientific perspective. (my brother is a physicist), with a magical touch of fiction and with the work of excellent actors.

Therefore, write music to this work has been a pleasure and a pride for me. Furthermore, to record the music I had the pleasure of having Nacho Laguna (bass and guitars) and his son Pablo Laguna (Cello) to complete the acoustic ensemble along with the violin and viola played by me. I am happy with the result and with the comments I have received, I think we have achieved the objective of creating a piece where music and image are fully combined.

The creation of the music for “Multiverso” was carried out very quickly during the month of June 2021, as was the filming and editing of the film. With marathon sessions, the occasional remote connection to agree on questions about the music, we managed to arrive in time to premiere it.

The short was presented along with many others of very good quality in one more day of what is already prestigious Carabanchel Short Film Festival.

Componiendo la música de “Multiverso”

Multiverso, dirigido por Santiago G. Bonacho con Ave Rogríguez, Irene Ballesteros y Elena L. Borrego

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