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David G. Bonacho: composer of soundtracks for film and theater

Are you looking for a composer for the music of your short movie, feature film, documentary or theater play?
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I am a musician from Madrid, soundtrack and music for theater composer, or that's what I think. If you are looking for a professional with a broad academic and musical degree; I'm not the one you're looking for. Yes, I studied music at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, but I did not finish my studies, although every day I value more the time I was there.

David G. Bonacho

Then I belonged during the 80 and 90 to several rock bands like Trifide Freud, which I was a founding member, or Soul Bisontes and have collaborated with different bands and musicians, such as Nacho Laguna, Pablo Cobollo, Javier Corcobado, Usura, Ana Béjar or José Luis Moreno-Ruiz, among others.

Since the mid-90s, apart from I make a living with another profession, I compose music for theater plays and short films when I can and someone wants my music. I love it when I hear that at least one person has enjoyed listening to my music. My music is electroacoustic, between modern-classical and experimental.

I like to combine with the making of videos that sometimes start from music and other times, it is the music that arises from the creation of a video. My musical exploration begins with the piano or the guitar, which I then continue with other instruments, with programming and effects ending with the violin. Well, this is not always the case. I practice my particular battle against virtual instruments: I acknowledge that every time they bring out tools that more and better imitate reality, but I always use acoustic instruments or real pedals and real synthesizers played as instruments to record the final master. Sure, you can get great sounds that faithfully mimic reality and it's a commendable task, but it's not for me.

Composición música “Aula 037”
Composición de música original del cortometraje "Aula 037", dirigido por Juanan Martínez, con Silvia Espigado, Jesús Noguero, Pedro Almagro y Jorge Basanta.

Composición de la música “Estados Tabú”
Composición de la música, junto con Diego Miranda, de la obra de teatro "Estados Tabú", de Salvador Leal. "Estados Tabú" es una obra donde drama, comedia e intriga se fusionan para dar cuerpo a esta singular obra de teatro cuyo argumento trata de sensibilizar sobre la salud mental y la necesidad de tenerla en cuenta...

Composición de la música de la obra “Matar a Jesús, un hombre por la nación”
Composición de la música, junto con Diego Miranda, de la obra "Matar a Jesús, un hombre por una nación", de Salvador Leal. Los acontecimientos más relevantes de los últimos días de Jesús es una historia que conocemos todos, que hemos visto y escuchado en varios formatos, pero el mérito de la obra ‘Matar a Jesús, un hombre por la nación’, escrita y dirigida por Salvador Leal, radica en que sorprende, y mucho, y provoca grandes emociones, sustentada en una propuesta artística y producción impresionante, con más de 50 actores en escena, y la fuerza que le imprime la música original tocada en directo por Tarambana Band.

Composición de la música original de la obra de teatro “Un cuento de Navidad”
Composición de la música original de la obra de teatro escrita por Juan Expósito basada en la clásica obra de mismo título escrita por Charles Dickens. Se trata de una música muy especial, con un toque folk, en la que he utilizado un set de instrumentos acústicos: guitarra, pandero, flauta, melódica, viola, violín, rana de madera, ukelele, palo de lluvia, metalófono y los he combinado con el contundente sonido de mi Streichfett, piano y otros instrumentos digitales. Pero sobre todo es especial porque mi hija Laura toca el Ukelele en "Villancico" y porque mi hijo Nacho ha diseñado la portada del disco.

Composición de la banda sonora del cortometraje “Multiverso”
Cortometraje escrito y dirigido por mi hermano Santiago García-Bonacho Rico

Release the album “Distant Clouds”
12 track album release. Ambient / Cinematic / Neo-Classical style

Writing the score for the soundtrack of the short film “Saviors”
Writing the score for the soundtrack of the short film "Saviors". Version with original music of the short film of the final project of the students of the Master in 3D Art, Animation and VFX at CEV (2019) Short film "Saviors" with original music

Release album ‘Abandoned Town’
6 songs from the soundtrack of various short films and plays are brought together in this album.

Collaboration with Pablo Laguna
Collaboration on Pablo Laguna's album 'Gradus Ad Delirium' playing violin, along with Lucas Antón Terrón, Nacho Laguna and Sara Gordón

Music from the play 'Emoticolors'
Co-author of the music for the play 'Emoticolors', along with Momo Cortés, Diego Miranda and Nacho Bonacho. The play has been produced by Tarambana Espectáculos with an original dramaturgy by Eva Bedmar and directed by Manu Medina.

Writing the music for the soundtrack from short film “El grito mudo”
Writing the music for the soundtrack from Iván Chao' short film “El grito mudo”

Collaboration with Ana Béjar
Collaboration on Ana Béjar's EP "Everything I say" released in July 2019. Playing the violin in the version of the song "Ponce de Leon Blues" by Beachwood Sparks. Also accompanying Ana in Julio Ruiz's "Disco Grande" program on Radio 3 on June 18, 2019, and celebrating the 50th anniversary of The Beatles "Abbey Road"

Nadaju Trio
Founding member, pianist of the trio formed in June 2018 by Juanlu Blanco on drums, who was in charge of Psilicon Flesh, among other bands, and currently with Autouniverso, Nacho Laguna on bass, who was the bassist of Corcobado and Los Chatarreros de Sangre y Cielo, among other groups, and whose solo career has translated into 3 albums so far, where he collaborates with a broad group of like-minded musicians, who also started in the formation of Trifide :: Freud.

Composer of the original music from theater play "Tullidos" by Manu Medina. Tarambana Espectáculos.

Ivan the fool
Composing original music of the theatre play "Ivan the fool" by Losótroh company (Lanzarote). Family play based on the legendary story by León Tolstoy.

Tortuga y el mar
Composing the original music for the black theater "Tortuga y el mar" by Salvador Leal, Losotroh y Tarambana, works in 12 movements with marine environment and conservation awareness

With Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld
Second violin in the string quartet in the concert of Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld at the EACC in Castellón (Spain) together with Pablo Laguna Mancha (Cello), Lucas Antón Terrón (first violin) and Gwen Annick Portal (Viola)

Back to the old station
Recording and publication of the first album of David G. Bonacho with themes not commissioned by any third party

Hamlet... Is First or Last Name?
Instrumental music for theater play

Javier Corcobado – Canción del puerto
Recording, along with Pablo Laguna (violoncello) and Javier Díez Ena (double bass), one of Javier Corcobado songs

Pánico (Panic)
Composing of the instrumental theme from the introduction of the character

Original score for the soundtrack of the short film directed by Juanan Martínez

Kaos Relativo
Composing several music themes for the original music for the play, co-authored with Momo Cortés and Diego Miranda

A collection of music composed for different works

Composing the original music for the short film directed by Juanan Martínez

Colaboración con Nacho Laguna para Canción de amor de un día
Collaboration on piano and violin on songs composed by Nacho LagunaVestidos de hiedra and Invisibles como ángeles for the project "Canción de amor de un día" by Javier Corcobado. He also does the video film works.

Imagina Si
Original music for the short film directed by Santiago Bonacho

A los que gritan
Original score for the soundtrack of the short film

Original score for the soundtrack of José del Río short film

La Princesa Ana
Composing one song for the theatre play

Nacho Laguna – Ensoñándote
Arrangements and interpretation of piano

Pablo Cobollo – Rumbo a peor
Collaboration on a song of the double LP

El viaje al paraíso
Composing additional music for the short film "El viaje al paraíso" directed by Juanan Martínez.

Composing the soundtrack for the short film

Original music composing for Volvo Trucks event
Composing of the original music for a Volvo Trucks Spain event. Music that was like the soundtrack of a movie was required. It was developed and orchestrated a musical work of 6 minutes.

Mis Queridos Monstruos
Co-author, along with Nacho Bonacho, of the original music for the play of

Té y Café (Tea and Coffee)
Composing the music for the soundtrack of the film

Composing the music for the soundtrack of the film

Nacho Laguna – Fugaz
String arrangements (played on the violin by Bruno Axel), pianos, organ in "Hazme saber" and violins on "Trompety"

Composing the original music for the theater

Arrangements and performance of violin in the recording of his EP album presentation

Nacho Laguna – Cantábrico de emociones
Collaboration in performance and arrangements for violin and piano

Collaboration with Don Henri
Collaboration with Don Henri in live concerts, on the keyboards

Sombras del entrelubricán
Composing and recording of 10 instrumental tracks in an limited distribution album release

José Luis Moreno-Ruíz – En la enfermería del postre
Collaboration on the violin in the song " The three caravels of Quetzalcoatl" performance and arrangements

Soul Bisontes – La Alcantarilla del Paraíso
Participation in the album as a member of Soul bisontes: keyboards and violin.

Corcobado y los chatarreros de sangre y cielo – Arco iris de lágrimas
Collaboration: Violin

Collaboration with band "Usura" in the radio show "Disco Grande" (February 1994) violin arrangements and playing

Soul Bisontes – Vértigo Peninsular
Participation in the recording of the album with violin arrangements

Usura live with "Yo la tengo"
Collaboration with the band "Usura" playing the violin, supporting the band "Yo la tengo" in Revolver Club (Madrid), along with those who share the stage on one of the songs, on Saturday, December 11, 1993.

Soul Bisontes – Corazón Veloz
Performance in the album as a member of Soul bisontes, Farfisa organ

Ricardo Soulé
Took violin lessons from Argentine musician Ricardo Soulé

El sueño de nadie
Band founder, composer. Guitar and vocals.

Soul Bisontes
Rock band. Keyboardist for the band and collaborator between 1989 and 1995

Trifide Freud
A founding member of the band Trifide Freud. Guitar and vocals. Composer.

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